Coming Soon 2025
IYSA has been established since the end of 2018 and as long as IYSA was established and held various competitions, we saw many students and students who were interested in making projects in the eld of life sciences.

IYSA has been established since the end of 2018 and as long as IYSA was established and held various competitions, we saw many students and students who were interested in making projects in the eld of life sciences. It is proven by the dominance of their project in this eld in every competition held by IYSA.
Food Technology
Food Science and Nutrition
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Shofia Anyunari, a grade 12.1 student of SMA Muhammadiyah 2 Surabaya (Smamda), has made Indonesia proud in the international arena.
golden tickets in the form of free entry tests to enter UMM (except for the faculties of medicine and pharmacy) and free tuition fees for one semester for all gold medalists from high school.
UKMPR (Reasoning and Research Student Activity Unit) Unsoed delegates won another award at the international level.
In the midst of the Even Semester Summative Assessment (PSTS) period of the 2022-2023 academic year, three students from Gembala Baik who are members of the Youth Scientific Work (KIR) extracurricular activity won a silver medal
SMAN 2 Probolinggo students once again presented an international champion.
Congratulations to the SMANDA Team who have again made their achievements by bringing Gold Medal in the Global Competition for Life Sciences 2021 (GLOCOLIS 2021).